I was created to create.
"The Floppy Flower" was my first prize-winning painting at the early age of 6, solidifying my love of all things creative. I could not just use one color for my flower, but used many, making it as colorful and bright as I could. That trend of using color has obviously stayed with me through the years. I am a sucker for how color makes me feel, alive and joyful. As a nod to my wondrous childhood and my first love of art, I will often insert a floppy flower somewhere inconspicuously to some of my abstract works to memorialize the wonder of exploration and remind myself to stay true to what makes me "me" and that all things are possible.
Even at this early stage, I was so fascinated with color, texture, and trying new things. I would literally spend hours in my garage as a child using my "Super Elastic Bubble Plastic Maker", blowing liquid plastic through a straw to make beautiful creations of color that would meld together in all sorts of varying patterns. As if that wasn't enough, I could then shape the bubbles into objects of my imagination; the toy of all toys for the creative kid! Even with its toxic smell, it was like heaven every time I made a new masterpiece.
As life would have it, I graduated with a degree in Physical Therapy. After a successful career and raising two daughters, I decided to turn my attention to my first love and pursued all avenues of learning from local and international artists to master the fundamentals of art in order to step outside the lines and push my own boundaries.
My art is an expression of who I am. I paint what I am passionate about. My subject matter can range from the strength of the female figure to its fragility, motherhood, coastal scenes that are reminiscent of my childhood, or societal influences. I am extremely passionate, empathetic, loyal, and sensitive and my work reflects these traits. I hope it connects with others that relate to it in some way. My objective is to inspire, uplift, provoke, stir, encourage, but above all, provide a sort of respite and joy that great art can provide. The canvas surface is very important to me and I prefer one rich with a history of built-up texture, gestural mark-making, and of course, color.
I am a multimedia artist, painting abstractly and impressionistically using oils and acrylics. Of all my creations, my daughters are what make me the most proud, a work that continues to mature and unveil new layers of beauty with each passing year. Like poetry, my work offers a personal journey, a cadence or a romance between realism, color, and abstraction; a break from the norm. My work can be found in corporations as well as private collections throughout the country. I am proud to be represented by galleries in Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Georgia, and Kansas.
I would love to meet you-please drop me a message or tell me what inspires you!
Creatively Yours,
2025 Spotlight on Art Juried Artist-Atlanta, GA
2024 Artistic Recognition Award-Art & Color 365 Artist Choice Competition
2024 Robert Kent Galleries Featured Artist Show-Marietta, GA
2024 Wesleyan Artist Market Juried Artist-Atlanta, GA
2024 Spotlight on Art Juried Artist-Atlanta, GA
2023 Spotlight on Art Juried Artist-Atlanta, GA
2023 ACA Juried ADC Fine Art, Gallery Contract Winner-Cincinnati, OH
2023 Laguna Juried Art Show-Mission Viejo, CA
2023 Robert Kent Galleries Featured Artist Show-Marietta, GA
2023 ADC Fine Art Four Person Show-Cincinnati, OH
2023 Quinlan GALA Fine Art Auction Juried Show
2022 American Impressionistic Show Juried All Member Online
2022 Big Tiny Juried Show-The District Gallery, Knoxville, TN
2022 Spotlight Artist-Robert Kent Galleries, Marietta, GA
2022 ACA Juried ADC Fine Art, Gallery Contract Winner-Cincinnati, OH
2021 ACA Juried ADC Fine Art, Gallery Contract Winner-Cincinnati, OH
2020 American Impressionistic Show, Associate Member Online Juried Show